Getting Out of Lockdown and Back to Real Life
07 Apr 2021

Getting Out of Lockdown and Back to Real Life

One year ago, the life of every single person on the planet changed before their very eyes. The idea of a virus taking over the world was an idea we only accepted in movies. Still, this movie was playing out in front of us, and that forced us to change the way we live and love.

Giving up the things we love doing, such as meeting people, dating, flirting and building relationships, had become a whole lot different. Everything moved online, which we know works brilliantly well, but that social interaction in person is something we crave as human beings.

How Did We Do It Online?

Fortunately, we live in a digital world. If the pandemic took place 30 years ago, then we would have nothing more than TV, books and the four walls of our homes to explore, which sounds relatively boring and extremely uninspiring. However, the online world still allowed us to connect and form relationships with loved ones, friends and potential partners.

While we might have become accustomed to spending days in our pyjamas, only changing into a smart top for Zoom meetings, it’s easy to fall into the trap of accepting all of this as our new way of life. While it’s a new way of life, the old world we left behind is knocking at the door, and the excitement of getting back to normal requires us to gently become accustomed to what is needed to get back into real life. The aim is to avoid walking around looking as though you have just arrived from another planet and to seamlessly pick up where we left off, but how do we achieve this?

Remember the Art of Conversation

Chatting online might be a simple process that’s kept you positive during the pandemic, but the art of conversing in person is something you’re going to need to get back on track with. We’ve been told to avoid making contact and stay away from everyone we know, which can leave you feeling as though those first conversations will prove challenging. Despite this, the conversation might be an art, but it’s a two-way thing.

Firstly, never use the abbreviation “lol” in a real-life conversation; it’ll end in weird looks. Instead, remember to focus on engaging topics and keeping things flowing in the right direction. From friends to potential dates, eye contact, showing you’re interested and listening are all things that you need to focus on. It’s easier than you might think!

Get Back to Shopping

Shopping might have filled you with dread before the pandemic. The idea of packed shops, queues and browsing at clothes you cannot afford might have felt pain, but now it’s something to embrace! Online shopping is convenient; it’s simple, but do you remember those moments when you ordered a book and a duvet cover turned up instead? Yeah, those annoying situations can be avoided when you embrace the shopping world in real life! Furthermore, lunch with friends followed by shopping can become an actual thing! So, whether you’re more Harrods than Primark or H&M than Selfridges, the world of shopping is certain to set your life alight!

Getting Dressed - It’s a Real Thing!

There’s no denying that a lockdown perk was rolling out of bed with nobody to impress. Staying in your sweatpants all day was a luxury, and at the end of the day, everything seemed easier with no make-up to remove our clothes to iron for the next day!

Zoom meetings might have required you to look smart from the waist up, but remember that venturing out to a restaurant for the first time is about first impressions! So, remember to swap those sweatpants for a pair of jeans or a smart skirt!

Getting dressed for nights out or a lavish meal becomes an exciting experience, giving you plenty of reasons to browse your wardrobe or spend money on new items of clothing. Remember, the previous 12 months have given you the scope to laze around, but it’s time to fix up and look sharp!

Book a Table - You can Enjoy Your Meal Again!

Food deliveries have revolutionised the lockdown world, with restaurants opting to move into takeaways and deliveries. Remember having meals dropped on your doorstep, followed by a knock on the door? Those days are gone! So, the moment has arrived to embrace being waited on by waiters or waitresses. Don’t expect your food to be brought to your table in brown paper bags by a delivery driver but instead, remember to enjoy this moment. It’s a moment that feels completely normal, even if things have been strange for 12 months.

Get Your Timing Right

Time has been a luxury during the lockdown. No places to be or people to see. You could arrive at your desk for meetings on the dot and generally take time doing everything that you did before! However, time-keeping and dating in the real world are very much linked. Therefore, a laid back attitude to timing won’t wash. It’s time to get new batteries for your watch and leave your home in plenty of time to meet your date. Don’t be late; it’s seriously not cool, and using the excuse “sorry, I’m still on lockdown time” simply won’t work!

Get Back to Sport

The sporting world has changed beyond recognition during the pandemic. Watching football from home with fake crowd sounds has become normality. Despite this, the time has arrived to find your voice and join the crowds in cheering on your favourite team. Being together with like-minded fans is a release, a form of escapism, but wow, it’s what you’ve missed. It’s time to embrace the plastic, uncomfortable seating as opposed to your sofa and cushions. However, forfeiting comfort for being with rowdy crowds and that amazing atmosphere is worth every moment.

The idea behind moving from a lockdown world and back to real life might seem daunting. The changes might seem monstrous because moving from home and back to restaurants, shops and spending time with people can seem like an alien world. Despite this, remember how exciting life was before Covid-19 took hold? It’s time to embrace those moments once again and remember how good life really was!

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