Speed Dating Questions
03 Dec 2019

Speed Dating Questions


  1. Introduction
  2. What to Say at Speed Dating Events
    2.1 Icebreaker Speed Dating Questions
    2.2 Funny Questions from Speed Dater
    2.3 Questions to ask men
    2.4 Women Related Questions from Speed Dater 
    2.5 Flirty Questions you could ask from Speed Dater
    2.6 Friendship Speed Dating Questions
    2.7 General Speed Dating Questions from Speed Dater.
  3. Topics that you should talk about when attending a speed dating event with Speed Dater Ltd
  4. Topics to Avoid
  5. Conclusion



First of all, let us introduce ourselves. Hi, we’re SpeedDater. We launched way back in 2002 and are very proud to say we’re the leader in the UK singles events market. We host many different kinds of events from speed dating to parties and singles mixers. 

Speed dating is the perfect way to meet a whole load of new people in just one night. Think of these meetings as mini introductions. It’s the perfect amount of time to leave you either wanting more, or on to  the next person if you’re just not feeling it. It’s all about chats, sipping drinks and getting your flirt on!

Here’s how it all works in a nutshell. Ladies will stay seated, while the men move from table to table every 3 or 4 minutes, when the bell rings. You’re given a scorecard to tick whether you’d like to date someone, like to be friends, or they’re not the one for you. After the event, you can log in to the SpeedDater website, enter your ticks and see if you match with anyone. What happens next is up to you. 

Speed dating can often be a nerve racking event to take part in, especially if you’ve never been to one of these kinds of events before. Remember that everyone else is there for the same reason as you – to meet new people, expand their social circles and maybe even meet the one. Many people find that many of their friends are already settled, they don’t want to date at work and they aren’t interested in a fling with someone they met in a nightclub one Saturday night. Speed dating offers the perfect relaxed and pressure-free solution for meeting new people who are on the same page as you. You have nothing to lose, so just be yourself and relax. 

So, fear not, this article will give you some valuable tips and ideas of questions that could help avoid any potential awkward silences on your dates with SpeedDater. You never know, you might meet someone else who loves that film as much as you do, grew up with the same kind of pet or also wants to visit the same country one day. We hope this advice will make you feel more confident in your search for the one.


2. What to Say at Speed Dating Events

Asking the right things are important; so, we’ve prepared some helpful questions and advice for you to use to get the conversation started. We’ve broken these down into categories for you. 


2.1 Icebreaker Speed Dating Questions

  • What do you usually do on the weekends?

Who knows, you could both like doing the same thing on the weekends. Before you know it you could be going on walks together.

  • What words best describe you?

This can tell you a lot about the personality traits that they value most. 

  • How would your best friend describe you in 5 words?

What better way to get a quick insight into someone than what they’re best friend would say about them. You could even ask how their parents would describe them. The answers could be hilarious.

  • What’s the last movie you saw in the cinema?

Maybe you’re both big fans of action, terrified of horror films or a sucker for a romantic comedy. Guys and girls alike often have films in common, so this is a great question to ask. 

  • What’s something surprising that you’ve done in the past?

Maybe it’s travelling, meeting a celebrity or just doing something spontaneous. This is a great icebreaker to really open up a conversation and keep it lighthearted and fun.


2.2 Funny Questions from SpeedDater

  • What’s your favourite joke?

What better way to start a date, than with a good laugh. Telling jokes may create a spark you didn't even know could be there. Mention some of your most loved jokes too, just in case your date asks you for your favourite ones too. 

  • What fictional character would you like to meet in real life?

The idea behind this question is that it’ll give you a feeling of what your date likes in other people. Liking the same personality traits are key to a successful relationship.

  • What’s your favourite random food combination?

Everyone loves food, so why not dive straight in and ask a more unique question about the greatest food combinations. This could great a very interesting conversation, to say the least.

  • What’s your funniest childhood memory?

Let’s face it, we’ll all done embarrassing things as children. From temper tantrums in supermarkets to thy silly things we’ve all said, everyone has a funny childhood story to tell.

  • Who’s your favourite comedian / comedienne?

You might bond over some of their jokes. Having a similar sense of humour is one of the keys to any successful friendship. We believe laughter is always a great way to start a conversation.

At Speed Dater, we have prepared some gender specific questions and advice, though really you can ask anyone these regardless of whether they’re a girl or a guy.


2.3 Questions to ask men

  • What are your favourite sports?

Not to follow the stereotype, but a majority of men do like to vocalise their love of sports, whether football or going golfing on the weekends. 

  • What’s your favourite movie?

Movies are definitely a topic that everyone likes to talk about. Some people (well, most) find it difficult to name just one, so maybe ask them to list their top 5 instead. 

  • What is  your favourite family tradition?

All families, large and small, have family traditions. Whether it’s opening presents on Christmas Eve to getting the family dog a treat for their birthday, this is a great idea for a conversation starter. 

  • Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Guys love talking about their family, so asking about their siblings could be a great conversation icebreaker. 

  • What is your favourite style of music?

Music is a very popular topic to discuss generally, and although everyone has different opinions, it may ignite the discussion. This is a great topic to then branch out into particular artists or music festivals.


2.4 Women related questions from Speed Dater.

Genuine interest makes all the difference for women. Remember, both guys and girls like to talk about their favourite things, so listen up, you may like what you hear. 

  • Who inspires you?

Girls always feel excited when asked about their aspirations and inspirations. This could be a family member, a celebrity or a fictional character. What inspires them about their chosen person could tell you a lot about what they are drawn to in other people. 

  • What did you want to be when you grow up?

Jobs are a very popular topic to talk about with girls and guys, though to make the conversation more interesting, ask about what they wanted to be as a kid. The answers they give may surprise you, compared to what they actually do for a living now. 

  • What is on your bucket list?

Many women find being motivated and goal-oriented attractive in the opposite sex. Maybe you both want to experience the same things. This is a great way to find out if someone might be right for you. 

  • Where is the last place you travelled to?

Asking about holidays and travel is a popular conversation starter, and can lead you both to discover that similar places appeal to you. 

Although these questions have been put under girls and guys specifically, it doesn’t mean that these questions can only be asked to women or men. You can ask any of the questions in this article to anyone.


2.5 Flirty questions you could ask from Speed Dater

These are for those who feel like it is going very well, or for more confident guests.

  • Tell me more about you? Tell me everything.

This could be considered as flirty depending on the girl or guy you're with and what they think is flirty. This may be slightly enticing and hopefully make the date flutter and flow well.

  • Are you a romantic?

Sometimes, things may be going really well, don't be afraid to propose a more enticing chat. This may be hard in 5 minutes, but if the spark is there... it’s there... so ask these flirty questions if it feels right.

  • What’s your ideal first date?

If you are both feeling comfortable to discuss dating, then it may be a  very good way to start your chat with the guy or girl you're dating here at one of our events. What if you have the same idea for a perfect rendezvous...  hopefully the event is successful and you find someone this ‘perfect date’.

  • What would be the perfect romantic getaway?

This speed dating question is very similar to the last one, and if the flirty spark is there, fire away with these sorts of questions.


2.6 Friendship speed dating questions

Sometimes, the flutters may not be there in a romantic sense, but there may be a chance for you and the guy or girl to develop a successful friendship. This means that it may be better to discuss more relaxed and friend-like questions. These questions may just create a spark that you didn’t know of and lead into the flirty questions... who knows until you try:

  • Where is your favourite place to travel to?

Another icebreaker question to create a relaxed environment for the guy or girl you're getting to know. This is bound to spark a more exciting discussion. You may both like the same places when travelling.

  • What is your least favourite app?

Social media and technology has become a huge part of everyday life and most likely everyone at one of our speed dating events will have an iPhone and apps on it. It may be interesting to find out what the guy or girl uses daily or whether they don't at all.

  • What app do you spend way too much time on, on your phone?

Again, technology is so present in our lives now that there will be one. Whether it’s keeping their social media up to date, or playing the latest puzzle game for hours on end, everyone has an app they spend far too long using. 

  • What irritates you the most?

Irritations is a great topic to discuss when getting to know someone, especially because then you are able to tell what type of person they are.


2.7 Popular speed dating questions

  • What do you like to read?

Reading is a popular topic, especially if the guy or girl is a keen reader. Maybe they'll like both fact and fiction and this may become a very fascinating chat.

  • Your friends are coming over, what would be your favourite dish to make?

Everyone likes to discuss what they like to make food-wise, or cook themselves for their friends.

  • Is love at first sight real?

Maybe you're sitting with a guy or girl who likes the idea of fairy tale love and believes that you can fall in love with someone after the first time you meet them.

  • What makes you most proud?

Core values are very important for knowing what your date is most passionate about in life. Possibly family, education, upbringing, anything that makes them feel overjoyed.


2.8 General questions from Speed Dater

This advice could be for anyone, at any occasion, whether you are feeling flirty, confident, shy or possibly nervous, we have the answer for you, well, questions!

  • What would you do with your life if you had a year left to live?

We have given this style of question because a discussion can most likely flourish from more intriguing starters, maybe into life goals and ambitions. 

  • Who would be the first person you'd choose to be stuck with on a desert island with?

What a fascinating chat that would be and definitely a great ice breaker question to get the girl or guy opposite you thinking!

  • If you could be a member of any TV sitcom or movie family, which one would you choose?

We love hypothetical questions. They get people thinking and this question will tell you what they would look for in an ideal family.

  • If you could invite three celebrities around for dinner, who would you invite and why?

Find out what kind of people your date would like to be in the company of, and what about these people appeals to them. This could be interesting to say the least!

  • What is one thing you always get when you go grocery shopping?

Is your date a creature of habit, spontaneous or do they have a secret guilty pleasure? This question is a great way to find out. 

  • What is the most ridiculous thing your parents have ever done to embarass you?

Let’s face facts here. All parents are embarrassing. Maybe they still enjoy embarrassing you, though we hope not! These types of stories are great to tell. Laughter is also a great tool for bonding. 

  • What was your nickname at school?

Most nicknames have a story behind them - this is why this is such a great question. 

  • What TV show have you binge watched embarrassingly fast?

We all have guilty pleasures. You never know, maybe the guy or girl you are on your date is just as into that series as you are. 


3. Topics that you should talk about when attending a speed dating event with Speed Dater

So after feeling prepared with a variety of questions to ask when meeting people at one of our events, you may be ready to attend one of our events which is great and we're so happy to have helped you build that confidence to meet people with us at Speed Dater. If you require a little more advice after looking through our helpful speed dating questions, then gear yourself up with some of the greatest topics to discuss:

Home - the guy or girl on the date may be very family orientated and enjoy conversing about their childhood and family home.

Career or dream jobs  - Guys and girls really admire those who have career goals

Animals - If you’re an animal lover, (who isn’t!) this would be a very nice topic to talk about, especially pets or past experiences like that time you rode a camel in the desert. 

Celebrities- Who doesn’t love a chat about the A list of the world?

Popular Culture - Maybe it’s the TV show everyone’s talking about, or the reality show that everyone watched religiously, but doesn’t like to admit it. There’s usually loads to talk about in pop culture.

Music - Music is an interest most people have to some degree. With so many genres, music festivals there’s a breadth of conversation to be had here. You could talk about the last concert or festival you both went to or your very first live concert!

Movies - What’s on at the moment at the cinema? Talk about films you want to see, have seen or would never watch again. The possibilities are endless.

Food - where’s good to go for a bite in your local city, where’s a hidden gem, what is your favourite cuisine, or even what the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten is. There’s a wealth of conversation to be had around food. 

Work - find out what they do for a living, but don’t treat it like a job interview. Ask if they’ve always been passionate about the industry they work in, for example.

Seasonal - is a holiday coming up, like Christmas? Or is summer approaching? Ask what they’re planning on doing in the holidays or what they’re favourite season is. This could be an effective way to break the ice.


4. Topics to Avoid

Dates - especially when your speed dating should be relaxed and fun. You want to make a good impression and get to know your date but you need to remember that people have different opinions and outlooks in life. Therefore it may be best not to start talking about a few things, especially when you only have five minutes with your date. It does of course depend on the person sat in front of you, but here are a few general topics that we think you should avoid when speed dating with us!

Politics - This is a very opinionated topic and could get heated if you’re sat with a person with a different outlook, for example if you were voting Labour and the other person voted Conservative. The conversation could get very intense or turn sour very quickly, and it’s not really something that we’d ever recommend to talk about during a 3/4 minute date.

Money - Sometimes it is best to leave money out of the conversation for now, your dates don’t really need to know how much or how little you earn right now. They also don’t need to know how much you’ve saved, or what that great big house you’ve bought looks like. After all, money can’t buy happiness and love costs nothing. 

Marriage - Marriage is a topic you should most definitely avoid on a first date, you don’t want to scare your date away! This could come across as very intense for most people and is not advisable for the first time you’ve met someone new. 

Babies - For the same reasons as marriage, babies are a big, big step and not one that anyone really wants to talk about on a first date. 

Religion - Like politics, this is a very personal subject and isn’t one that most people want to talk about on a first date. 

Exes- You should avoid talking about who you were with previously  unless asked - it is again a personal subject that is not really first date talk. It can put people off, and make others think you aren’t ready to be with someone else, which could mean you miss out on a great potential relationship with someone new. 

Work Drama - The stranger you are talking to doesn’t want to hear your latest work gossip or what happened today at the office. Keep the conversation light, and steer well clear of ranting about that colleague that drives you up the wall.

Sexual Experience - Don’t talk about how many sexual partners you’ve had or how often you go out on dates. This is way too personal and private for first date conversation. 

Sex / Porn - this is just inappropriate on a first date, and should be avoided. This will make you appear creepy, and that’s not attractive to anyone. Just don’t do it. 

Secrets - Don’t share your deepest, darkest secrets with someone you’ve just met. Let them earn your trust first before sharing such intimate details of your life. 


5. Conclusion

Here at Speed Dater, we want to make sure that our guests are getting everything they can from their experiences of speed dating with us. This is why we put this article together, to help you identify the types of questions that you should ask, topics you should talk about and topics you should most definitely avoid. This article hopefully will help you to become more confident to go speed dating, now that you know what to say to your date. SpeedDater hopes that you enjoy our events and remember to use this guide for any help at all with questions or advice!

So you can easely find a speed datind event near you!

Happy dating.



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